We are in desperate need of computers, CD multi-copiers, printers, hard drives, headphones, USB memory sticks, blank CDs and MP3 playback machines for our library members to listen to their books. Your unwanted second-hand books will also be greatly appreciated and recycled when we transform their silent pages into the spoken word for our members.
If you'd like to donate goods you can complete the contact form below or email our director
Your donations help to improve school literacy levels, and help us to bring the comforting and rewarding companionship of our audio books to the elderly who can no longer read the printed word.
Donation Pledge Form (English - pdf)Sponsor and brand a Hear-to-Read bookcase for a disadvantaged pre-school or day care centre and be a part of our story that's making a difference in early childhood development education. Or sponsor the recording of an educational book for a blind or print-disabled child or dedicate one of our audio books in memory of someone you hold dear.
If you're interested in sponsoring a recording or a bookcase, you can complete the form below or email our director
Leaving a gift or bequest in your will to Tape Aids can be done easily and simply. We are always so grateful to those who chose to be remembered by leaving a legacy that will live on when they are gone.
Our wording for your bequest will help you choose the way that you might want to leave a small or large bequest for those marginalized by their disabilities and whom we serve.
Wording for your bequest (pdf)If you're a corporate, trust or foundation committed to improving education for all our youth and would like to partner with Tape Aids' education outreach programmes or donate funds to our Hear-to-Read and Talking e-Books initiatives - helping all our nation's disadvantaged children, both able bodied and those with special needs, reach their full potential - our national executive director would welcome you making contact so that we can tailor a proposal that fulfills your vision.
Do you enjoy reading aloud? Then why not join our volunteers in the studios at our various production centres in major cities to narrate and proof-read both fiction and non-fiction books.
Read more about our production centres
Do you enjoy reading? Then why not share your gift with those who have difficulty reading and help them become a member of Tape Aids Avid Readers Audio Library.
We provide over 10 Million
listening hours to our members every year
More than 5.5 Million
South Africans are dyslexic
of persons with HIV AIDS suffer from eye disorders and have difficulty reading
Your donations will be invaluable in sharing our vision of creating a nation of avid readers. Using the spoken word to open whole new worlds for millions who have difficulty reading. A remarkable gift indeed.
We don't receive any government funding and over the past 60 years our national audio book library and production services have only been possible thanks to the caring commitment of our volunteers and the generosity of our donors.
Being a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO), SARS realizes that we're providing vital services, so they reward our donors and enable them to claim back their donations on their income tax returns. We will issue you with a Section 18A Tax Certificate for all your donations if you provide us with your details. Kindly select your preferred method of making a payment by either credit card, debit order or direct EFT deposit as indicated on our donation pledge form (see below).
Donation Pledge Form (English - pdf) Donation Pledge Form (Afrikaans - pdf) Tape Aids For The Blind Non Profit Organisation Registration No: 002-101NPO
Public Benefit Organisation Registration No: PBO 930000935 Tape Aids For The Blind NPO Certificate