Audio Library

What makes our library different

For a start, we produce the thousands of audio books on our library shelves.

Recording, producing and lending audio books of every classification in both fiction and non-fiction. From best-sellers to classics, mysteries, westerns, and thrillers. Poetry, biographies, religious and inspirational literature as well as young adult and children's books, lessons and stories.

Library membership is for those who have difficulty reading.

Circulation library

20 copies of each book are placed on the shelves of our Main Circulation Library, which processes over 5000 audio books per day. Approximately 6 – 8 books per member are allocated and sent post-free, thanks to the South African Postal Services. We provide over 10 million listening hours to our members every year.

Library service centres

Members can also select and get additional audio books and magazines by visiting one of our 8 nationwide service centres.

View our service centres here

Online catalogue

Members can select and send a request for audio books to be delivered to them in the post via our online catalogue (currently containing around 3200 titles).

Please note: We are currently working on digitizing our catalogue of over 50,000 book titles, so you can expect the number of titles in our online catalogue to increase steadily over time.

Browse our online catalogue here

Digital download

Members can also download a limited selection (about 1300) of our audio books from our partner website:

See the 'Download links' section at the bottom of this page for guidelines on downloading audio books from that website.

Please note: We are currently working on digitizing our catalogue of over 50,000 book titles and will soon start to make these available to our members for download directly through this website.

Audio magazines

Members also receive our popular audio magazines, monthly book reviews and news in recorded formats. We send out some 12,000 copies of magazines per month.

Copyright permission

We are exceedingly grateful to publishers, authors and copyright holders for giving us permission to convert their books into accessible human narrated formats for the exclusive use of our blind, vision impaired and print disabled members.


Our 500-strong Volunteer Corps have recorded and proofed over 50,000 book titles in our 29 recording studios and 32 proof-reading booths at our 5 nationwide production centres over the past 60 years. These studios send their recordings to our Durban head office via the internet for final track laying, mastering and copying.

Speak to us

Speak to one of our librarians if you'd like to find out more about our library services, become a member or request specific books and titles.

Toll Free Phone: 0800 33 55 22

Download links

English Membership Application Form (pdf)Afrikaans Membership Application Form (pdf)Guidelines for Downloading Books from our Partner Website